What should the human role be in Earth’s ecosystem? Locally, how does the current crisis of climate change affect communities in the Mid-Hudson Valley? At the Woodstock Land Conservancy, our 2025 programming aims to deepen the human connection to the land, focusing on an overarching theme of “observation.”

Observation encompasses many aspects. It encourages a close-up view from a particular vantage point – as in Kristen Garnier’s “Wildflower Watching,” which will bring field microscopes to Zena Cornfield. It can also include a sobering view of the present, which we will do by honoring the original stewards and studying long-term care of the land, highlighted by our Lenape Land Stewardship event with Wild Hudson Valley. Or, we can zoom out even further and observe from a distance. Take Robert Titus’ “A Journey Through Geological Time,” which will allow attendees to observe Earth’s systems across millions of years!

Whatever the scope, observation is also a way of slowing down. At times, humans have bypassed observation in favor of immediate action, missing out on all the natural world has to share. With this in mind, we’re introducing a new program, “Conversations in Conservation: WLC’s Annual Read.” Our inaugural book, The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger, illuminates the vanguard science of plant behavior.

There is always more of the natural world to see, cherish and study. By highlighting observation as a central element of our work, we invite all to linger on the sensory experience, savoring the awe-inspiring nature of the Woodstock area.

- Miranda Javid, Program Coordinator

    THIS PROGRAM IS FULL. Sign-up here to be added to the wait list.

RSVP here for May 3 event.

    RSVP here for June 7 event.

    RSVP here for July 12 event.

    RSVP here for July 24 event.